Thanks to Kerry Dexter’s dexterous research, we now have a source for Lobster Ice Cream. The reviewer at did not like it! But that does not deter me.
Here is Ben and Bill’s Chocolate Emporium on the web. Their Bar Harbor location is closed until next month, but they also have a store in Massachusetts–and mail order.
ew! why?
Because it’s there?
When you get some, let us know how it is. Honestly, I think I’ll try it vicariously through you far, far, away on the Internet 😉
i’ve tried garlic fudge. it was yummy!! so i am SURE i’d like lobster ice cream. thanks for the info!!
.-= jessiev hopes you will read blog ..Cairns, Australia: A Sun Lover’s Paradise =-.
Oooo, Durian Ice Cream–how bad does it smell?
Gotta tell you, I’ll look for the lobster ice cream when I’m in Maine or Massachusetts, but I don’t think I want to take a chance with mail order, would you?
who woulda thought!!! oh my!! But then I guess if they have Durian Ice Cream- there has to be lobster ice cream.
Lobster ice cream! Sounds very decadent, but I would love to taste it as well. Thanks for this source, Kerry Dexter.
.-= Alexandra hopes you will read blog ..Of Sandwiches and Recession … =-.