Destination: Paris (and the Bronx)
Movie: Julie and Julia (A blogger and Julia Child)
Although everyone touts Julie and Julia as the ultimate foodie movie, it does pretty well as a travel movie, too. After all it has lovely street shots in Paris and a few establishing shots in the streets of New York, motivation to travel to France for cooking school, and a guessing game about whether Julia Child and her husband Paul are really eating in real French restaurants.
Since the Oscars will be awarded any day now, I should be doing some great post about all the movies that make you want to travel, but I am so bummed out by the fact that Up and Away got a best picture nomination, and is called the “ultimate travel movie” that I’m trying to pretend there are not any Oscars this year. I’ll make an exception to pull for Meryl Streep as best actress in Julie and Julia.
By now, you have probably heard the elevator pitch for this movie: a bored young housewife in New York decides that she will cook her way through Julia Child‘s Mastering the Art of French Cookingin a year, and blog about it.
The story of the real Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is intertwined with the story of the real Julia Child (Meryl Streep), who moves to Paris with her husband Paul, falls in love with French cooking, and to assuage her boredom, goes to cooking school. She takes on the task of re-writing a cookbook meant to make French cooking accessible to Americans and although the book takes years to find a publisher, we all know that she became the icon of French cooking in America.
Julie’s blog became the book, Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously. Ironically, in her blog she complained about the title, calling it lame. Wonder if she has changed her mind? Writer/director Nora Ephron builds the movie around parallel moments in the two women’s lives–birthdays, cooking disasters and triumphs, and finally publication. Meanwhile, they both have adorable, supportive husbands. As hard as Julie tries to live up to her fantasy of Julia Child, she continues to have emotional melt-downs, an indignity which never happens to the unflappable Julia.
Trivia at IMDB includes this travel tidbit: Both the Paris and Boston train terminal shots were done in the beautifully restored New Jersey Transit Hoboken Train Terminal waiting room.
And for the bloggers out there: here is the original Julie/Julia project blog [UPDATE: Salon has removed the Julie Julia blog. So sorry]. Julia is doing another blog now, sporadically, to continue to promote the book. I was not impressed. You can Google it if you insist. But the Julie/Julia project blog should keep you busy over the weekend. That, and watching the movie, if you have not yet done so.
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New York, Paris and food – three of my favorite subjects. I bet I will love this movie! Only seen the trailer so far.
I definitely liked the movie better than the book and it’s usually the other way around but I bought “My Life in France”, Julia’s autobiography and excerpts from it were used in Julie and Julia so I’m looking forward to reading her whole story and learning about a cook’s life in Paris.
.-= Joya hopes you will read blog ..Three Travel Bites of the Week =-.
Thanks for mentioning My Life in France. I’d like very much to read that.
I saw the movie and don’t go to see many but this did have two things I like and I figured it was just something to watch to relax and enjoy. I took the book with me when we traveled to Germany, France and Italy last year and read it on the plane and while driving our 2500 miles! I enjoyed both-light and just fun. A break from the daily stresses of life.
i didn’t like the book at all, and wasn’t impressed with julie’s part of the movie, either. julia, however? i’ll see anything meryl streep does – she’s incredible. loved those paris scenes!!
.-= jessiev hopes you will read blog ..The Voluntary Traveler: An Interview with Nola Lee Kelsey =-.
I really enjoyed this movie. I lived in France, and, like Julie Powell, tried every recipe of Julia’s, only I used The French Chef, a wedding present, rather than her other cookbook. I also met the real Julia Child once. At first I was disconcerted by Streep’s accent, but soon her mannerisms convinced me I was watching Julia. What a great job!
.-= Alexandra hopes you will read blog ..Crows & Plovers: Is Cohabitation Mission Impossible? =-.
I had seen the movie- also read the original blog. Enjoyed both movie and blog.
I think that watching this movie was what initially triggered me to start my blog! I’ve always had this idea of having people submit recipes to me and I’d try them out and post about it on my blog! Maybe one day I will start that up…
Interesting the varied reactions to Julie and her book. Most of the things I’ve read lead me to think that the movie adaptation would please me more than the book, and as I said, I was not very impressed with her current blog.