But it could be OUR motto!
Giveaway Contest [NOTE: This contest is long Gone.]
The picture shows Just SOME of the books recently reviewed here with the John Steinbeck t-shirt I’m giving away to the person who gives me the best reason they should have it. Comment on any post, one comment per post counts but as many posts as you like–through Friday midnight (MST).
Now please read the Great American Road Trip stop in Arkansas for a Great American Book….
(And even if you’ve already read about Arkansas, I invite you to go back and HEAR the song, Farther Along.)
LOL! So true! There are never enough books.
Paz 😉
That’s easy… because it will serve two purposes, like any well written prose. First, it will hide my tattoo which has a creature in it that makes people nervous. Second, it will make me seem soooooo smart, which makes people believe I am imparting some great wisdom every time my lips start smacking.
The result is immediate improved communication between me and everyone I talk to. Those I speak to will feel better about themselves, more confident, and go out into the world. Like a virus of good will they will infect all those around them.
The subsequent chain reaction of happy will spread across the globe until it reaches every mountain peak of the Andes and every Polynesian island.
And then… world peace.
All because you gave me a shirt.
Way to go Bunny!
Who’s Bunny?
But what an answer!! In a little over 24 hours we’ll know who gets the t-shirt, but that’s going to be hard to beat.