Destination: Mexico City
Book: Mexico City, Out and About (2010) by Kenneth and Karen Basile.
When you pick up Mexico City, Out and About, you will not mistake it for a normal guidebook. No way you would lug this 3-lb book around in your backpack. But if you are planning a trip to Mexico City, the colorful pages will guide you to many places–both major tourist destinations and off-the-beaten-track corners of the huge city.
I have not been to Mexico City, but I did have ideas of what it is like–mostly negative, I will admit. These pages crammed with photographs and laced with informative narrative definitely created a new mental picture for me.

The American authors, Kenneth and Karen Basile, love the city and in their book they show off the best it has to offer in art, architecture, parks and gardens. He is a photographer who has worked most of his life with art and museums. She is a retired English teacher who has turned to Latin American studies.
The authors start their book with remnants of the past–archaeological digs throughout this city that is built on layers of history going back 4000 years. They go on to visit important plazas, roads and neighborhoods and ends on the outskirts with the startling information that there are at least fourteen active volcanoes within the city limits.

No wonder they say that anything is possible in Mexico City–that nothing surprises the residents. Although this is not strictly speaking a guidebook, if you want to plan visits to places shown in exquisite photographs, the authors have helpfully provided the nearest metro stop and some instructions for getting to each place.
But mostly this is a book of beautiful photographs that will make you want to go to Mexico muy pronto.
If you are worried about the safety of travel in Mexico, I recommend this article at Your Life is a Trip–and be sure to read the comments that go with it for a well-rounded view.
Note: Schiffer Books sent me Mexico City for review. They are the publishers of Quincy Tahoma: The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist, which I co-authored with Charnell Havens. All Photos are copyright by Kenneth Basile and published with his permission.
And how about you? Have you been to Mexico City? What were your impressions?
I love these type of books- filled with pictures and great narrative!
i LOVE Mexico City! fabulous, friendly and fun. I was there with Tarzan! ….
Hope you enjoy “El D F” as much as i do
Hi Pancho: Yep, I checked out your website, and you sure do love Mexico AND you DID go there with Tarzan. I’ll be darned!
Never have been to Mexico City, but was thinking about it rereading the beats. For example, Kerouac talks about it in “On the Road”. Thanks for sharing “Mexico City, Out and About”. -r
how fascinating! i’d love to peruse this book – seems inspirational! thanks for sharing.