What’s New at ATL

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White tiger licking her paw

I’ve been sprucing up some of the things you may not notice at A Traveler’s Library.(If you receive this via e-mail, click through to A Traveler’s Library to see the additions and make a comment.)

Google + The newest new thing on the Internet, and I love it.  You can link to me and learn about my travels that I don’t cover on the blog. If you need an invitation to join Google +, just let me know at vmb@atravelerslibrary.com

And on the subject of + , you now have the opportunity to plus A Traveler’s Library–up there in the right hand column.  That helps us show up in search results, and tells your friends that you approve of ATL.  You can also rate posts and comments that you find particularly helpful. It’s all about YOU and what you like.

SPONSORS.  You probably have noticed that Amazon ad that sprawls across the middle of the front page. It lists some of my very favorite books of those I have reviewed, and I update it as new favorites arrive. In the sidebar, you can find my favorite American Indian biographies, including, of course my own Quincy Tahoma: The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist, written with Charnell Havens. If you order here, you’ll get an autographed copy.  I hope that since we are all about books and movies here, that you will sometimes be tempted to purchase a book or a DVD of a book or movie I’ve discussed. I am a big supporter of independent book shops and web sites, but just in case you DO go to Amazon, I put links to Amazon on the site for your convenience.

Just a reminder that every time you click and buy ANYTHING–not just the object named in the link or ad–A Traveler’s Library gets a small benefit. And those small benefits mean I can spend time reading and reporting for you rather than spending my time finding income in other places.

Fly.Com: An efficient search site for airline flights, is now a sponsor of A Traveler’s Library.

Viking River Cruises: This company has always fascinated me, and you can see their link over on the right hand side.

Marriott Hotels:  I’m happy to have this good hotel company continuing to sponsor A Traveler’s Library.

A Freebie: The ad for Lonely Planet Bloggers’ Photo Book is the best deal going. You’ll get travel photos from the top bloggers on the Web, and its free! Click on the ad in the sidebar to download.

PARIS IN YOUR POCKET. One of the most viewed posts on A Traveler’s Library is called Ten Places to Eat Cheap(er)  in Paris. Now you can get it in e-book format to carry with you on your smartphone, I-Pad, computer, or e-reader. Go to Barnes and Noble Nook store  today. For only $1.99, you can save lots of Euros on food in expensive Paris.

 Dawn Mist on the Chiltern LineA MYSTERY. Just in time for Hallowe’en last year, we had a spooky occurrence at A Traveler’s Library. In January 2010, Anil Polat of the great blog, Fox Nomad, wrote a blog post on the book and DVD, Long Way Round. I would give you a link to it, but it DISAPPEARED!  A few days later, I was looking for a post I wrote in April about movies in D.C., and it, too had gone missing.  I have a lot of work to do before I can figure out what is going on with the Purloined Posts, but please tell me if you go looking for something you thought you read here and can’t find it. (Cue spooky sounds…..)


BOOKS TO BE READ I have, at least temporarily, abandoned the attempt to keep you informed about what is on my TBR pile, and what I am currently reading, and what I have read.  If you think the information is valuable or interesting, let me know, and I may resuscitate that page. For now, suffice it to say that I have 13 books waiting in my TBR pile, and all want to appear on A Traveler’s Library before the end of October.  Puh-leeze. Ain’t gonna happen.

The tiger photo and the spooky scene are compliments of Creative Commons and comes from Flickr, the bookcase is by Vera Marie Badertscher, all rights reserved.

Your feedback is welcome on any or all of this insider blogging stuff.

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About Vera Marie Badertscher

A freelance writer who loves to travel. When she is not traveling she is reading about travel. When she is not reading or traveling, she is sharing with the readers of A Traveler's Library, or recreating her family's past at Ancestors In Aprons . She has written for Reel Life With Jane, Life is a Trip and other websites. Also co-author of a biography, Quincy Tahoma, The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist. Contact Vera Marie by e-mail.

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