How To: Make a Photo Book

Destination: Wherever you roam

Book: Create Your Own Photo Book: Design a Stunning Portfolio, Make a Bookstore-Quality Book (NEW 2012) by Petra Vogt

You travel. You take pictures. You come home. What happens to the photographs?

Whether you are a professional or just a traveler who snaps pictures, you can make your own gorgeous photography showcase.  For years, I’ve been thinking that I should put together a book about my family and ancestors, just for family members. I have plenty of documents and photos. But I always get hung up on the “where do I start?” part.

In fact, I have made photo books using Shutterfly–one to remember a trip to Chicago with a grand daughter and one to commemorate a baby’s first year.  But I take so many photos that I get overwhelmed at the thought of putting a book together of one of our  journeys.

In this book, author Petra Vogt talks to me gently, assuring me that while there are choices to be made, the Create Your Own Photo Book: Design a Stunning Portfolio, Make a Bookstore-Quality Book will help you determine where to get the best deal price wise, how to organize your content, suggestions for layout and more.

Rockynook, the publisher specializes in books for photographers, and some of their books are WAAAY over my head, but Create Your Own Photo Book seems to be just my speed. (I’ve talked here about their book about photographing animals in the Serengeti Plains, and a book of beautiful photos of western canyons, both focusing on professionals.)

Usually “One size fits all” translates to “doesn’t fit anybody.” However, I believe this book truly can suit professionals and amateurs alike.  If you’re a little intimidated by professional photography and printing, as I am, just skip over the sections that give you information you don’t need.  I think this book is a real boon for the travel who likes to take photos and is looking for a way to share them.

Links here to Amazon are affiliate links, meaning that you really should use them when you’re shopping at Amazon. Here’s why. Although it costs you no more, everything you buy will help support A Traveler’s Library. Wow! Isn’t that great?

The publisher sent this book to me for review, but my opinions, as usual, are strictly my own.

Note: I’ve pictured the cover on the Kindle edition here, which is actually the same as the print edition.  Because most new books are now published in both e-book and print editions, in the future, you may assume that a book is available in e-book format, unless I tell you that it is not.

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About Vera Marie Badertscher

A freelance writer who loves to travel. When she is not traveling she is reading about travel. When she is not reading or traveling, she is sharing with the readers of A Traveler's Library, or recreating her family's past at Ancestors In Aprons . She has written for Reel Life With Jane, Life is a Trip and other websites. Also co-author of a biography, Quincy Tahoma, The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist. Contact Vera Marie by e-mail.

2 thoughts on “How To: Make a Photo Book

  1. A click on the image isn’t working for me. I’m quite entranced with the idea of ordering this book given what you’ve written.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I’m trying to fix it, but meanwhile, just put the name in the Amazon search box (right under the word SPONSORS in the column just to the right of content) and that will take you to Amazon. You can search for any title there, any time.

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