Chic Santorini

Island of Santorini, Vanilia Restaurant
Island of Santorini, Vanilia Restaurant


Just one shot today. This has always been one of my favorites. We walked from the town of Oia halfway along the caldera of Santorini toward Thera, the main town. We saw this restaurant, Vanilia, which, by the way is still there in Firostefani (NOTE 6/2013 I THINK they are still there, but their website is inaccessible today). Click on the link to see more enticing photos. (I just noticed that according to their website, they were brand new in 1997 when we were there!)

The decor was stylish, the cliffside view was stunning. I suppose the food was good, but surrounded by so much beauty the meal became secondary. Then this model-like beauty walked out the door.

This is my contribution to Travel Photo Thursday, sponsored by Nancie at Budget Travelers’ Sandbox.  Click that link to see photos from a couple dozen travel bloggers/writers from around the world. (You’ll also see Nancie’s own stunning shots of Burma.)

This photo was scanned from a print taken in 1997. Please respect my copyright.



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About Vera Marie Badertscher

A freelance writer who loves to travel. When she is not traveling she is reading about travel. When she is not reading or traveling, she is sharing with the readers of A Traveler's Library, or recreating her family's past at Ancestors In Aprons . She has written for Reel Life With Jane, Life is a Trip and other websites. Also co-author of a biography, Quincy Tahoma, The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist. Contact Vera Marie by e-mail.

18 thoughts on “Chic Santorini

    1. Thanks, but somehow my last week’s photo showed up on the Travel Photo Thursday list, so I hope you’ll also take a look at this week’s photo essay.

  1. Great photo. The girl captures the era perfectly. I have scanned some old prints in the past as well. I wish digital cameras were around back then.

  2. I’ve never visited Greece but plan on definitely getting there one day. Santorini looks lovely. Ah yes, I remember the days of film cameras. Post-9/11, I would get the film express developed before my flight back in case if the stronger Xray machines ruined film.

  3. Beautiful photo! I like the vintage feel to it. I went to the restaurant’s website and what great views. Santorini has always fascinated and I hope to enjoy those views soon.

    1. Mary: Thanks. Glad you liked it. I certainly hope you get to Santorini some time. Although I prefer a less touristy island for a longer stay, everyone should see the stunning views of Santorini once in a lifetime.

  4. Beautiful shot! I went to Santorini this Summer and completely fell in love with Oia! Stunning village, and you are right, with gorgeous view all around any meal becomes secondary!

    1. Aggy: Yes, Oia is a gem, but so are the other small communities. This was in Firostefani, and I think that would be a great place to settle in for a week. Getting out of Thera–the main stopping point for cruises and people getting off the ferry–is definitely to be recommended in Santorini. The other towns have an entirely different vibe.

  5. I can see why it’s one of your favourites – it’s a beautiful shot! We visited Santorini last summer and I was blown away by the beauty with the white and the blue of the buildings set against the deep blues of the ocean and the cloudless sky. Thank goodness for digital cameras because I snapped and snapped in an attempt to capture just how beautiful it was.

    1. Lisa: Your remark made me smile, because I think I took at least 200 pictures as we walked along from Oia to Firostefani, and then had to come home and get them made into slides, and the choice ones into prints. VERY expensive!

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