Reader’s Choice: Best of Last Year’s Travel Photos


In keeping with the “Best of” lists we’ve been doing last week and this at A Traveler’s Library, I decided to take a look to see what 12 Travel Thursday photos were the most popular in 2012–judged by traffic to the page and by comments. (See, your comments are IMPORTANT!)

So here are the READER’s CHOICE TRAVEL PHOTOS from A Traveler’s Library. (You can click on a picture to get a bigger image).

This has been my contribution to Travel Photo Thursday sponsored by Nancie at Budget Traveler’s Sandbox. Click the link to see photos from many other travelers from locations around the world. If you’re wondering about Word Press Photo Gallery feature, this is the second time I’ve used it, and found out how to make the images larger. I’m going to keep experimenting with ways to make this feature work best for us.

Please respect my copyright on all the photos on this page.

Take a look at the story above this for best Pet Travel ideas and down below for the best travel reading, food, movies and music of the year. Only the best for readers of A Traveler’s Library!

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About Vera Marie Badertscher

A freelance writer who loves to travel. When she is not traveling she is reading about travel. When she is not reading or traveling, she is sharing with the readers of A Traveler's Library, or recreating her family's past at Ancestors In Aprons . She has written for Reel Life With Jane, Life is a Trip and other websites. Also co-author of a biography, Quincy Tahoma, The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist. Contact Vera Marie by e-mail.

11 thoughts on “Reader’s Choice: Best of Last Year’s Travel Photos

  1. Okay, so when did you find the sky that blue in Seattle???? (Hopefully before I ‘knew’ you because it would have been sad to have you that near and not met face-to-face!)

  2. All great photos, Vera. I remember laughing at the goat in the tree, and it’s definitely one of my favorites. I also like Monet’s water lily pond, and the cleaning supplies at Angkor Wat.

  3. I enjoyed looking through these photos and found it hard to choose one, but as I love goats and their climbing abilities and fun personalities I will definitely choose that one. The Bruce Canyon photo really shows the size of the whole thing, which I had not seen before.

  4. It’s great to see some of the photos I missed during the year. I particularly loved the photo of Santorini and Monet’s lily pond. I’m looking forward to more photos in 2013

  5. I remember some of these photos from your posts and this is a fun way to see them again and see some fun ones. That goat in the tree is funny! I’ve always loved that Bryce Canyon shot and your classic Santorini one a close second. Best wishes for 2013!

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