Where I’d Rather Be–On a Beach Vacation Travel Photo Thursday

When the temperatures soar in June, before the cooling summer rains, I sit in Arizona and wish I were on a Beach Vacation. Here are the photos of my dreams.

This has been my contribution to a hot summer day Travel Photo Thursday. See more at Budget Traveler’s Sandbox.

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About Vera Marie Badertscher

A freelance writer who loves to travel. When she is not traveling she is reading about travel. When she is not reading or traveling, she is sharing with the readers of A Traveler's Library, or recreating her family's past at Ancestors In Aprons . She has written for Reel Life With Jane, Life is a Trip and other websites. Also co-author of a biography, Quincy Tahoma, The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist. Contact Vera Marie by e-mail.

12 thoughts on “Where I’d Rather Be–On a Beach Vacation Travel Photo Thursday

  1. I like your choices and would be happy with a visit to any and all. Thanks for including my old hometown of Chicago! Great memories of Oak Street Beach.

  2. How neat to have so many wonderful beach memories to choose from!

    I host a weekly link party called “Oh, the PLACES I’ve been!” The link goes up at 7pm EST on Thursday. I hope to see you then!

    – The Tablescaper

  3. Very nice photos. I never think of Ireland when I think of beaches, so thanks for showing me what it looks like. It’s strange, but I think I like the IDEA of a laying on a beach more than actually doing it. In Malaysia, the beach is only a 5 minute walk away, but I never seem to go.

    1. Michele, I’m more of a “walk by the ocean” than a “lie on the beach” person, myself. But I do love to be along the sea. And as for Ireland’s beaches, we stayed at a B ‘n B with a view of the beach used in the film Ryan’s Daughter. That was a lovely beach at the foot of a cliff in a cove.

    1. Partly, Marcia, its just that we get a form of cabin fever, because like cold places in the winter,we’re trapped indoors in the summer! Until evening. Our early mornings and evenings are lovely.

  4. Beaches play a big part in my life and I love them. I walk by the beach every morning and afternoon. Whenever I am far away from the beach, I always feel a sense of being at home when I see the beach again. Nha Trang beach in Vietnam is very much like a N.Q. Beach, so it was amazing to feel at home in such a different culture.

  5. Having just experienced that AZ heat ourselves I can see why you are dreaming of a beach, any beach! Nice selection of choices you provided us today.

  6. You can’t go wrong visiting any of those beautiful beaches and coastal areas – I would always love to go visit Carmet – its one of my favorites.

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