Destination: The Blue Mountains, Australia
Book: Evergreen Falls by Kimberley Freeman (New in paperback, first published in 2014)
This book was just plain FUN! Not that the characters were always having fun. Au contraire, the life of an heiress in one of the parallel plots, set in the 1920s, was not as carefree as you might imagine. And the love story of the waitress in the tony resort where the heiress, her brother and her finance and his thugish pals were spending some away time, becomes a nightmare before the novel ends.
In the second plot, set in 2014, a young woman trying to escape her smother mother, flees to the same Blue Mountains where the heiress had vacationed. There she gets a job waiting tables in a cafe. The old resort is in ruins, but is undergoing restoration, so as the present day waitress fires up her own romance, she also finds hints of a 1920’s love affair that make her want to find out who was involved and how it turned out.
Just as in Lighthouse Bay, (the earlier book by Kimberley Freeman that I reviewed here), the two interwoven plots have us bouncing between the past and the present in one place.
While I recommended Lighthouse Bay for a summer read, I like this one even better. And talk about a book making you want to GO Somewhere, how would you like to stay at a glam resort in this location? (Just remember Australia seasons are reverse of U.S., so go in THEIR summer. Winter could be brutal (see the book.)

We want to know to, and that’s what kept the pages turning, and the vacuuming undone, as I read-read-read about these delightful characters. Australian writer Kimberley Freeman has a way with creating likable and interesting characters–each distinct–never sliding into romance novel stereotypes.
The setting is charming, and made me do a bit of research to find out where these remote Blue Mountains of Australia are. Turns out they are not so remote after all, their foothills spilling into the suburban enclaves of Sidney. However, the area is huge and you can definitely get away from civilization–even living the life of the wealthy in the early 20th century in classic old resorts.
So dive in. You don’t have a lot of time left for summer reading–but this romance- adventure-mystery visit to Australia is just the ticket for a fun read.
Here Kimberley Freeman talks about her inspiration for the book.
Note: This post contains links to Amazon, in case you’d like to buy one of these books. You should know that I am an Amazon affiliate, so anything you buy, although it costs you no more, earns me a few pennies.
The publisher provided me with a paperback copy of this book for review, which is standard practice, and in no way influences what I recommend to you.
COMING SOON: A book for Emily Dickinson fans and a book set in Germany during World War II that is possibly my favorite of the year. Stay tuned. Tell your friends they can subscribe for free updates, just like you do. You DO, don’t you? And you know that I would NEVER use your information for anything other than this subscription?
Will have to read this one. Fun-loving Australians is almost a redundancy. You gotta love those folks. When I was on R&R from Vietnam, I was a guest of an Australian family. They had a dairy farm in the Blue Mountains foothills country, and they took me on a tour to view the exotic flora and fauna of the “Blues.” We became life-long friends.
Didn’t realize that is the territory you were in. The descriptions in this book had me longing to stay in a vintage hotel in those mountains, near a waterfall. But definitely not in July or August–their winter!