Tag Archives: American Indians

Embracing FryBread

Cultural Travel

(Note: VMB is stepping in here to cover for Jessie Vogts who usually writes about Culture Travel. Jessie is busy moving to a new house, and will be back at A Traveler’s Library next month.)

Fry Bread
Fry Bread with toppings, sometimes called Indian Taco

Destination: American Indian lands

Book Cover
Book: Embracing Fry Bread: Confessions of a Wannabe, by Roger Welsch (New in December 2012)

I began my Monday book review of Rising Son by saying, “Beware the conclusions you draw when visiting another culture.”  That makes a good lead for this review as well, but for a different reason. Continue reading Embracing FryBread

7 Tips for Travel to Santa Fe Indian Market

Storm clouds at end of day, Indian Market
Storm clouds at end of day, Indian Market

Destination: Santa Fe Indian Market

Held the third weekend in August every year, the Santa Fe Indian Market celebrated its 90th birthday in 2011. Over at the Tahoma Blog, I wrote about Geronima Cruz Montoya, an artist who was six years old when the Market started, grew up to be an artist and teacher, and still paints and  exhibits at Indian Market.  The Santa Fe Indian Market is the largest and most prestigious showing of American Indian art held anywhere in the world.  It is a great place to get an introduction to the many different cultures and styles of art that we have across this continent. Continue reading 7 Tips for Travel to Santa Fe Indian Market

Getting acquainted with American Indians

SEE A GUEST POST ON MY FAVORITE PLACE IN ARIZONA AT TOUR ABSURD. Charnell’s photos of Canyon de Chelly decorate the page.

Navajo Land-Canyon de Chelly
Navajo Land in Arizona


DESTINATION: American Indian Lands in the Southwestern United States Continue reading Getting acquainted with American Indians