Travel Photo Thursday
Usually, those of us who participate in Budget Traveler’s Sandbox weekly photo show, called Travel Photo Thursday, try to show off our very best. Today because it is How To week here at A Traveler’s Library, I’m going to show you some of my mistakes. How NOT To. Don’t worry–it wasn’t hard to find enough to fill a column. And I probably stopped sooner than I should have because it got rather depressing.
All of these pictures are taken with a semi-automatic, point and shoot camera. But even the simplest do have some settings. Learn about them. Use them. I hope I’ve learned a little, and maybe you’ll see some cautions for your own photography. Just be assured that none of THESE are going into that beautiful photo book I’m inspired to make by yesterday’s book review.
…forget that there should be a FOCUS for the picture rather than random stuff. Continue reading How To: NOT To Take Travel Photos