Destinations: Monte Carlo, Paris, London
Book: White Truffles in Winter (a novel) by N. M. Kelby
This fictionalized biography of the great French chef, Auguste Escoffier— White Truffles in Winter: A Novel
— is delicious, scandalous, lascivious, luscious…
The writing is lush. The author, N. M. Kelby, paints the portrait of a man obsessed with luscious food and delicious women. But not just any food–Escoffier prefers dishes prepared with special ingredients. And not just any women. He marries and has children with a poet–Delphine Daffis, but they live apart for decades during which he carries on a love affair with actress Sarah Bernhardt. He sees her when she is not busy bedding various heads of state and other prominent citizens. At the end, Auguste and Delphine come back together in Monte Carlo and that is where the book starts, as it tells the story of his life in flashbacks and contemplates his life. Underneath the romance and the food, White Truffles in Winter explores living well, aging, memory, and how to adequately show love. Continue reading The Sensuality of Food