Tag Archives: best posts

Happy 4th Birthday

Of course it is a reason to celebrate! AND to thank you for being part of A Traveler’s Library. Have a piece of cake.

world cake


Googling “average life span of a blog” will get you a lot of contradictory, and largely outdated numbers.  However, I know just from tracking broken links at A Traveler’s Library that sticking around for 4 years warrants a celebration. Continue reading Happy 4th Birthday

Most Popular Road Trip States

Running on the Map

The Great American Road Trip

Have you been enjoying Wednesdays on the road??  We’re not back on the road yet, but thought you might look back through the family album at the most popular stops on the road trip so far. Only ten more stops to go and we will have covered the country coast to coast and then some. It has been a great ride. Continue reading Most Popular Road Trip States