Tag Archives: Buddha statues

Afghanistan: Rebuilding the Bamiyam Buddhas

A Video  for Arab Countries in Troubled Times.


Meanwhile, continuing our look at troubled mid-eastern country, Afghanistan continues its confusing struggle between anti-Western and more modern thinking people, between pro and anti Taliban. A struggle includes the question of rebuilding the Bamiyam Buddhas.

I want to thank Pack a Book, a terrific web site for readers who travel, for bringing to my attention, this video by Al Jazeera – English about the attempts to rebuild the Bamiyam Buddhas. [UPDATE: the Al Jazeera videos are no longer available. I have substituted another video I found on You Tube. This one is by UNESCO, the U.N. organization trying to save Afghans heritage sites.]

Because of your interest in the Freya Stark travel book,The Minaret of Djam, I thought you might want to see this story of the Bamiyam Buddhas.

In this video, you will see what the Bamiyam valley that she visited looks like today.

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Do you have an opinion about whether the Bamiyam Buddhas should be rebuilt? If you had several million dollars to spend in Afghanistan, where would you spend it?