Tag Archives: Canadian authors

Canadian Literature: 5 Down, 5 Provinces to Go

Canada landscape
Canada landscape. Photo by Michael Dr Gumtau from Flickr, creative commons.

A reader asked for a recommendation for books regarding the Canadian Rockies and Western Canada, and I was stumped.  Reviewing what we have on Canadian literature at A Traveler’s Library, I found the list was pretty skimpy, so have made a resolution to cover Canadian literature in the next few months. I’m seeking out really good books that will add some value to travel, and I’m starting with two for that Western region and one general interest.

Green Grass, Running Water (1993) by Thomas King, Cherokee writer . This one is set in Alberta, Canada.

Canada (2012) by Richard Ford . Set in Saskatchawan.

The Last Spike: The Great Railway 1881-1885 (2010) by Pierre Berton, about the building of the cross-Canada railroad. I’m looking forward to reading this when it arrives from my inter-library loan request.  Berton is an acclaimed Canadian writer and railroads are a perfect subject for travelers. I’ve always wanted to ride across Canada on the railroad.

I put out a request through social media for suggestions and got ideas from Lisa,  who talks about all things family travel including books at  Gone with the Family. She suggested Green Grass and The Last Spike and the following Canadian Literature: Continue reading Canadian Literature: 5 Down, 5 Provinces to Go