Tag Archives: Contest

Murder and Forgiveness

 Naseem Rakha and The Crying Tree
Naseem Rakha and the book cover

Destination: Illinois and Oregon

Book: The Crying Tree by Naseem Rakha (NEW) 2010

Unlike Steig Larsson, author of The  Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and its sequels, Naseem Rakha understands the demands of fiction. Continue reading Murder and Forgiveness

8 Prizes: Bella Italy Giveaway

Welcome to Italy
Italian Flag

We have a GREAT Bella Italia Giveaway coming up.  All you have to do is comment starting today and all during the month of September, and when I return from France I will round up your comments, run them through random.org and declare 8 winners. It will be particularly fun for you because I will have guest bloggers throughout the month and you will meet a lot of new voices.( The posts during the month will not ALL be about Italy–that might be just too much of a good thing.)

Rules: Continue reading 8 Prizes: Bella Italy Giveaway

ANOTHER Giveaway

Destination: Italy

GIVEAWAY at My Melange

Robin, over at My Melange, a blog about Italy and France, is giving away some of the same books that I’ll be giving away here at A Traveler’s Library.

But her Giveaway ends this month. So scurry on over to My Melange for a chance to win 100 Places in Italy Every Woman Should Visit and 3 other Italy books. You have nothing to lose. If you don’t win there, just come back here and play starting September 1.

And, really, if you love France and Italy, you should be reading My Melange, anyhow. (Just my humble opinion).