Tag Archives: cultural travel

Embracing FryBread

Cultural Travel

(Note: VMB is stepping in here to cover for Jessie Vogts who usually writes about Culture Travel. Jessie is busy moving to a new house, and will be back at A Traveler’s Library next month.)

Fry Bread
Fry Bread with toppings, sometimes called Indian Taco

Destination: American Indian lands

Book Cover
Book: Embracing Fry Bread: Confessions of a Wannabe, by Roger Welsch (New in December 2012)

I began my Monday book review of Rising Son by saying, “Beware the conclusions you draw when visiting another culture.”  That makes a good lead for this review as well, but for a different reason. Continue reading Embracing FryBread

A Father and Son Bike Across Japan

Book Cover
Destination: Japan

Book: Rising Son: A Father and Son’s Bike Adventure Across Japan by Charles R. Scott (New, February 2013)

Japanese Temple
Sho throwing a ball in front of Japanese Shrine

Beware the conclusions you draw when visiting another culture.  For one thing, your experience of a place can change drastically depending on your mode of transportation. Continue reading A Father and Son Bike Across Japan

8 Best Articles on Cultural Travel

Cultural Travel

By Jessica Voigts

I have both written and published many articles about cultural travel. Cultural travel is important to intercultural understanding, as it allows you to dig deeply into a place and truly explore the culture. I’d like to share a few of my favorite posts on cultural travel – one from a student in our Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program, several from editors at Wandering Educators, and a few that I penned. Take a look at eight of my favorites… Continue reading 8 Best Articles on Cultural Travel