Tag Archives: food around the world



Salade Arizona? In Paris?

When I wrote my post on Ten Cheap(er) Places to Eat in Paris, I had been nudged a bit by a Blog Carnival through the Lonely Planet Blog Sherpa group.  Kat, who holds forth on food at Tie Dye Travels, is hosting this food around the world carnival, and I encourage you to take a look at the wide variety of offerings. Eat/Read your way through  Peru, Seoul, Ethiopia, Disneyland, Mexico City, China,Lebanon, Manila, Spain (very popular–four entries–including churros for breakfast), India, Malaysia and Indonesia. There are also two favorites of mine: The Story of Tea from Quillcards, and our friend Kerry Dexter, who keeps us supplied with music for the road trip writes about potato music ! GOT to read that one!

And in keeping with the food theme of the day…read on for the amazing history of apples in the amazing country of Kazakhstan.