Tag Archives: Inca Trail

Machu Picchu: 100 Years

cuatroañosenflickr At Machu Picchu
At Machu Picchu

Destination: Peru

Book: Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time (NEW: June 2011) by Mark Adams

I’m celebrating the anniversary of the rediscovery of Machu Picchu this week, although for some reason the Peruvian government jumped the gun and celebrated early–on July 8.

Sometimes I really love this job. Once again I am able to read and share a book that amuses, amazes, and inspires the reader to pack her bags and hit the road. In this case a VERY old road in South America, known as The Inca Trail.  There are actually a lot of Inca trails, as Mark Adams discovers in [amazon_link id=”0525952241″ target=”_blank” ]Turn Right at Machu Picchu[/amazon_link]. Continue reading Machu Picchu: 100 Years