Tag Archives: Kashgar

Adventure on the Silk Road

Another book that focuses on strong independent women–in this case three of them who travel the Silk Road.

Book Cover: A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar
Book Cover: A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar

Destination: The Silk Road, Eastern China, early 20th century

Book: A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar (2012) by Suzanne Joinson

I first became aware of Suzanne Joinson when I read Better Than Fiction , the collection of travel essays edited by Don George for Lonely Planet and reviewed here. I was fascinated by her story of a research trip to the Silk Road area she was going to write about in A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar. Her personal story was exciting and her writing was fresh and intriguing. So, of course, I immediately asked the publisher for a copy of Joinson’s novel, so I could share it with you. Continue reading Adventure on the Silk Road

Don George Agrees–Fiction Makes Travel Literature

Destination: Everywhere

Book Cover
Book: Better than Fiction: True Travel Tales from Great Fiction Writers, edited by Don George

Lonely Planet and Don George have a thing going.  This is the seventh book George has edited for the company.  Don George, in case you have not met, writes just about the best travel articles you could wish for. He used to be the editor of the travel section for the San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle. He reviews travel books and writes and edits for websites. And he stuffed all that experience in a book,  Lonely Planet Travel Writing, that everyone says is the best of the many guides for travel writers. Continue reading Don George Agrees–Fiction Makes Travel Literature