Tag Archives: Koran

Syria Stars in New Book about Calligraphy

Books for The Arab World in Troubled Times

Note from 2011, the Arab Spring: With war and revolution burning throughout the Mid East, I am continuing a series on countries we need to know more about. Last week was Traveller’s History of Egypt. This week, coincidental with news of Syrian rebellion , we move to Syria. As an apology for this longer-than-usual post, I will give this unusual travel literature book to someone who leaves a comment. Luck of the draw. (Contest long over)

Arabic Calligraphy

Destination: Damascus, Syria

Book: The Calligrapher’s Secret (2008,  1st American ed. 2011) by Rafik Schami

The Calligrapher’s Secret reads somewhat like a Dickens’ novel would if Dickens were forced to live in, say Russia, and was homesick for London. Continue reading Syria Stars in New Book about Calligraphy

NEW BOOK Kicks up Koran Dust

The sound of MuezzinDestination: Istanbul and the Middle East

Book: The Topkapi Secret (What They Learn About the Koran Could Change the World…or Cost Them Their Lives) by Terry Kelhawk (NEW September, 2010)

Am I in danger reviewing this book?  The flaks for Kelhawk’s book are going out of their way to persuade us that she is in mortal danger–so doesn’t it follow that a reviewer might also be targeted? Are their dangerous secrets in the Koran? Continue reading NEW BOOK Kicks up Koran Dust