Tag Archives: Libya

What’s New at A Traveler’s Library


I was delighted to receive an e-mail from BBC World Book Club on BBC World Service telling me that they liked my review of Hisham Matar’s beautiful novel about Libya [amazon_link id=”0385340435″ target=”_blank” ]In The Country of Men[/amazon_link] and would like me to submit a question for an interview of the author. I  may get to ask the question if we can sort out the time difference. I will let you know when you can hear my big moment on BBC radio. Continue reading What’s New at A Traveler’s Library

Understanding Libya

NOTE: BBC World Broadcast invited me to submit a question to Hisham Matar for their World Book Club interview. It broadcast on September 3, 2011. Mine is the VERY LAST QUESTION in this 53 minute interview. I would recommend the entire interview if you are interested in Libya, or in this outstanding writer—but at least, take a listen to the question from A Traveler’s Library. (You can download it as an mp3 file, or as a PodCast.)

A Book for the Middle East in Troubled Times

Bandera tricolor de Libia
Rebel flag, Libya

Destination: Libya

Book: In the Country of Men (2006) by Hisham Matar

It has been difficult for me to comprehend the arrogant statements of the dictator of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi. When he asserts, “The people LOVE me!” in the face of thousands of ill-armed, desperate rebels trying to depose him, I think he must be out of touch with reality. Continue reading Understanding Libya