Tag Archives: literary travel

The One Place You Should Visit, Wherever You Travel

Culture Travel Tuesday

Destination: Literary Travel Everywhere Cultural Attraction: The Library

By Jessica Voigts

While I thrive on literary travel, there’s another sort of literary travel that few people think to do. However, whenever I travel and do this, it’s usually the highlight of my trip.

One of the first things I do, when I visit someplace new, is to head to the library.

Kenmare library (a Carnegie library), County Cork, Ireland
Kenmare library (a Carnegie library) in County Cork, Ireland. Photo by Jessie Voigts

The library, you say? But how do you check out books without a card? Well, the local library is much more than just checking out books. It’s the social hub of a town. It’s got plenty of book-related events. You can get a sense of local literature and language, by perusing the shelves, magazines, and newspapers. There’s free WIFI, if you need to connect. There are often showings of new movies, theater and musical performances, and other cultural events. And, librarians are awesome people with excellent suggestions of things to see and do in the area. Continue reading The One Place You Should Visit, Wherever You Travel

Visit Harry Potter Land

Culture Travel Tuesday

Harry Potter: Hagrid's Hut
Harry Potter: Hagrid’s Hut

Destination: Scotland

Book(s): Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

 Reading (and Visiting) Harry Potter in Scotland

by Jessica Voigts

What’s more fun than reading a book? Going to the location where the book was set – or where the author wrote said book. Continue reading Visit Harry Potter Land

Walks Through the Life and Works of Dickens in London

London, Middle Temple Lane
London, Middle Temple Lane

Destination: London

Reading: Virtual Walks through the Life and Works of Charles Dickens

GUEST POST by Traveler’s Bro

“Those who pace these lanes and squares may yet hear the echoes of their footsteps on the surrounding stone.”

from Barnaby Rudge, in which Dickens describes the spectral generations of robed barristers in Middle Temple Lane

If you can’t go to “Merrie Olde” this year to catch the ghostly footsteps while celebrating the 200th anniversary of the nativity of Charles Dickens, you might want to check out one of the excellent virtual tours available through online sites like Walks of London  or  the online version of The Guardian .  Many of these are also downloadable (with maps) in case you can’t personally join the happy mob of Dickens groupies making the pilgrimage. Continue reading Walks Through the Life and Works of Dickens in London