Tag Archives: Louis Bromfield

Ghost Tours by the Book

Like to read scary stories? How about tracking the authors and the stories to their origins? Ghost Tours for Travelers Who Read….

Edgar Allan Poe

You can’t beat Edgar Allan Poe for scary stories. He invented the modern detective novel, but also thrilled with his eerie tales like my favorite, The Cask of Amontillado and Murder in the Rue Morgue, or the Tell Tale Heart.  Poe is associated with several cities-Baltimore where he is buried, Richmond, Boston, and Philadelphia. A New York City tour promises to introduce you to Poe’s haunts in that city with their “Edgar Allan Poe and His Ghostly Neighbors of Greenwich Village” walk around New York University Library, Washington Square Park and Poe’s former residence. They say that E.A. Poe is their most popular ghost. Continue reading Ghost Tours by the Book

Why-o Ohio?

When I posted on Facebook that I was going to Mansfield, Ohio, and asked people what the number one thing to see in Mansfield would be–I got no replies.  Well, I got one, but it was about Massilon, not Mansfield.

High time to drag Mansfield out of that slough of anonymity. Because there ARE reasons to visit Mansfield Ohio–several. Many of these reasons are inspired by books and movies–right down our alley here at A Traveler’s Library. Continue reading Why-o Ohio?

Another Look at Louis Bromfield

The farm pond at Malabar
The farm pond at Malabar Farm State Park in Ohio

Don’t miss my guest post about Louis Bromfield and Malabar Farm as pioneering sustainable agriculture at the blog called Attainable-Sustainable. Kris Bordessa writes a lively blog with suggestions for all those little things we can do to give a helping hand to our environment.  Louis Bromfield would have loved her–and vice versa. I am grateful to Kris for  giving me this chance to talk about Malabar Farm at Attainable-Sustainable.