Tag Archives: Montana

Montana Road Trip You Do NOT Want to Take

Montana road trip Audio Book: The Highway
Audio Book: The Highway

Destination: Montana

Book: The Highway by C. J. Box (Review of audio book by MacMillan, read by Holter Graham)

C. J. Box, I learned when I previously reviewed Back of Beyond, has two teenage girls of his own. That explains his ability to nail the personality of two sisters–very different teenage types– who become the victims in this totally suspenseful and scary story about a Montana road trip gone wrong.

You don’t have to have read Back of Beyond to understand The Highway, because Box recaps the necessary threads about Montana sheriff investigator, Cody Hoyt, but I do recommend that you read my review of Back of Beyond to get more information about Box and the way he writes. Continue reading Montana Road Trip You Do NOT Want to Take

Eating in Big Sky Country: Montana

Tasty Travel

By Brette Sember

Book Cover
Destination: Montana

Book: Open Range: Steaks, Chops & More From Big Sky Country by Jay Bentley and Patrick Dillon


Hitch up your horses, strap on your chaps, and follow the chuck wagon as you read Open Range: Steaks, Chops &  More From Big  Sky Country by Jay Bentley and Patrick Dillon. Montana is on my travel bucket list (and one of my favorite bloggers, Donna Hull at My Itchy Travel Feet has recently moved there), so I was ready to dive into this book and get a real feel for Montana. Continue reading Eating in Big Sky Country: Montana

Yellowstone Ride Into Peril

Yellowstone, Wyoming on horseback

Book: Back of Beyond, by C. J. Box (NEW August 2, 2011) Note: I listened to the book on MacMillan Audio, read by Holter Graham. Simultaneously released in hardback by St. Martin’s Press.

Have you ever had a hankering to saddle up and ride into the back country of Yellowstone National Park? You might change your trip plans after you read Back of Beyond. On the other hand, the descriptions of the beauty and awe of the “back of beyond” wilderness might make you just move your plans a bit earlier. Continue reading Yellowstone Ride Into Peril