Tag Archives: moose

Solving the Mystery of the Dead Moose in Maine

Maine book, Massacre Pond
Destination: Maine

Book: Massacre Pond by Paul Doiron (Review of Audio book by MacMillan)

Maine moose
Maine Moose. Photo by Dana Moos

Mysteries tend to begin with corpses. In Massacre Pond (Mike Bowditch Mystery), the corpses are moose bodies, not killed by legitimate hunters for food. So why were they slaughtered and by whom? Mike Bowditch , in the fourth of a series featuring this Maine Game Warden , discoveres five dead moose one night on the property of Elizabeth Morse, the richest woman in the state. Before the killer or killers can be found, the investigators are faced with five more dead moose, vandalism, a human murder and other eerie happenings that you might not have thought to associate with a game warden. Continue reading Solving the Mystery of the Dead Moose in Maine