Tag Archives: Movie

Movie RENOIR: Packing My Bags for the South of France

Destination: Côte d’Azur

Movie: Renoir (In French with Subtitles)

I’m a literary traveler–inspired by books, but also an art traveler, inspired by movies, artworks, museums and the lives of artists.

Renoir Movie PosterIf anything will ever make you want to book a trip to the South of France, the movie Renoir certainly will. This is a movie that is all about beautiful.  You can read my review at Reel Life with Jane to learn more about the plot and the actors, etc. but here at A Traveler’s Library, I just want to tell you about some of the opportunities for travel stirred up by this movie. Continue reading Movie RENOIR: Packing My Bags for the South of France

How Shawshank Affected Mansfield

Please take a look at my post called “Shawshank Redemption–When Hollywood Comes to Town” at Reel Life With Jane.

Lots of pictures from my recent press trip to Mansfield and some info on how the arrival of a Hollywood production crew affects life in a central-Ohio town.

Then read below at A Traveler’s Library to see my review of the movie.

Have you ever lived in a town where a movie was made? What was it like?

Ground Breaking Jordanian Film

A Movie for Troubled Times in the Arab World

Destination: Jordan

Movie: Captain Abu Raed (2009) written and directed by Amin Matalqa

A Guest Post by Jane Boursaw

You know a movie is good when you’re still thinking about it years later. Such is the case with Captain Abu Raed, a touching, uplifting film I saw at the Traverse City Film Festival in 2008. Continue reading Ground Breaking Jordanian Film