Tag Archives: Myrtle Beach

Visit An Aquarium

Family Travel Friday

Destination: Aquarium

Book Cover: Swimmy
Book: Swimmy by Leo Lionni (1963)

By Jennifer Close

The mystery of the ocean never ceases to amaze children and adults alike.  There is lots of information about the ocean, but there is still so much exploring to be done.  I have been fascinated with the ocean, its inhabitants and geography, since I was a little girl.  My children are just as fascinated with the ocean as I am.  We make regular visits to the beach where we almost always spy crabs, fish, and jellyfish.  If the sun is bright and high in the sky, we wander down the pier so that we can walk over the ocean while watching the water to spy the occasional stingray or turtle.

Aquarium, New Orleans
The Audubon Aquarium of the Americas, New Orleans

Visiting an aquarium is a good way to get an up close look at sharks, turtles, fish, seahorses and more without having to get your dive certification!We have visited aquariums in Baltimore, Virginia Beach, Atlanta, and Myrtle Beach just to name a few. Continue reading Visit An Aquarium