Tag Archives: New Mexico

American Girl Saige Paints the Albuquerque Sky

Family Travel

By Jennifer Close

Destination: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Book: Saige Paints the Sky  (2012) by Jessie Haas and Sarah Davis

American Girl

Saige and her pony, Picasso. Photo courtesy of American GirlGolden green grass and brightly colored hot air balloons floating against a blue background is how Saige describes her Albuquerque, New Mexico. Saige Copeland is a fourth grader in Albuquerque and just happens to be the Girl of the Year for American Girl.  Continue reading American Girl Saige Paints the Albuquerque Sky

New Mexico, Arizona and Utah Featured in The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger

Wednesday Matinee

By Jane Boursaw

Destination: New Mexico, Colorado, California, Utah, Arizona

Movie: The Lone Ranger
Reel Rating: 3 out of 5 Reels
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sequences of intense action and violence, and some suggestive material
Released in Theaters: July 3, 2013
Genre: Action, Adventure, Western, Remake
Runtime: 149 minutes
Directed by: Gore Verbinski
Cast: Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, William Fichtner, Tom Wilkinson, Ruth Wilson, Helena Bonham Carter, James Badge Dale
Official Site: The Lone Ranger

I saw The Lone Ranger the day after it hit theaters, and by then, both movie critics and moviegoers had slammed the movie mercilessly, calling it a jumbled mess and the worst movie they’d ever seen. But look, I always try to keep an open mind, because frankly, quite often the movies everyone else hates I love. Continue reading New Mexico, Arizona and Utah Featured in The Lone Ranger

Plan Travel To See An American Art Icon: Dale Chihuly

Culture Travel Tuesday

By Jessica Voigts

Destination: Art Exhibits

Artist: Dale Chihuly

Chihuly Glasss Sculpture
Chihuly Glasss Sculpture “Citron Green and Red Tower” from the Meijer Gardens in Michigan, photograph by Jessie Voigts

You have probably seen glass artist Dale Chihuly’s work – now ubiquitous, it is seen at art museums and public places around the globe (click on these links to plan travel to museums and public places where you can see his work). He’s truly an American cultural icon – responsible for sparking an entire movement of teams creating art, based on the bold shapes and colors formed in glass. He took the solo artist Studio Glass movement and expanded it with the use of glassblowing teams. These teams are composed of artists from all around the world, using their combined vision to explore the boundaries of glassblowing in form, color, and creation. Continue reading Plan Travel To See An American Art Icon: Dale Chihuly