Tag Archives: recipes

10 Perfect Gifts for Travelers Who Read (2012 edition)

For the Traveler Who Reads

It goes without saying these days that if you are a dedicated reader and you travel, you must have an electronic reader of some sort.  And, of course it helps if that reader has e-mail and Wi-Fi capability. Do yourself a favor and get an e-ink screen, so you can read on the beach or at the Parisian sidewalk cafe. If you choose the new Kindle Paperwhite it even has built in illumination for reading in bed. Unless you want a larger tablet, I think Paperwhite is the best for travelers. ( UPDATED PRICING 11/2013: With Wi-Fi, $119 or $179 depending on whether you get 3 G which makes it accessible worldwide.)


For the Traveler Who Writes

Bound to Travel at cafeDid you ever sit down to write in your travel journal and think, “I wish it had maps” or “I wish it had a graph page or two”. If you’ve dreamed of having a custom journal made just for you–Bound For Anything journals and memos are made for you. Literally.  You go to the web site of Bound for Anything, choose the exact kind of pages you want to be added to the blank or lined pages in your journal (like city maps, shown here) and they bind it and ship it to you. Voila! a custom travel journal. And to make it easy for you to gift your favorite traveling writer, the website features a gift card. So make your own, or send a gift card to your favorite traveler. Free shipping should be available in November. So don’t wait. ($15 to $55) (NOTE: The journals are 4″ x 6″–pretty small, and the Memos are a half inch smaller.) Continue reading 10 Perfect Gifts for Travelers Who Read (2012 edition)

Big Barbecue in Texas


Destination: Texas

Book: Legends of Texas Barbecue Cookbook (2002) by Robb Walsh

By Brette Sember

If you’re not at the beach in the summer, then you probably want to be at a backyard barbecue. They say everything is bigger in Texas and that seems to hold true for their barbecue as well. I sat down with Legends of Texas Barbecue Cook Book by Robb Walsh (Chronicle Books), thinking I knew how to barbecue. But barbecue is serious business in Texas. Continue reading Big Barbecue in Texas

Sail Away from It All


Destination: The Caribbean

Book: An Embarrassment of Mangoes: A Caribbean Interlude (2005) by Ann Vanderhoof

Article by Brette Sember

Ann Vanderhoof's sailboat
Ann Vanderhoof’s sailboat, Receta, under sail; photo credit: Kenmore Henville

Have you had one of those days where you fantasized about just jumping on a boat and taking off for the Caribbean for a year or more? In An Embarrassment of Mangoes, Ann Vanderhoof and her husband do just that, but they do a little advance planning first. Continue reading Sail Away from It All