Tag Archives: Savannah

Christmas in Savannah: Gifts of the Low Country

Tasty Travel Thursday

Destination: Savannah, Georgia

Book: A Savannah Christmas by Kimberly Ergul and Holley Jaakkola

Review by Brette Sember

Savannah is one of my favorite cities to travel to. There’s something gracious and charming about its squares, muggy air, architecture, cuisine, and friendly people. There may not be snow in Savannah for Christmas, but there is just about everything else you could want. Showcasing all of this is A Savannah Christmas by Kimberly Ergul and Holley Jaakkola, a gift you must give yourself this season. As much as I love cookbooks, sometimes they can be a little too much pressure. After all, each page is something new you should cook, bake, or create. They ask a lot of you. Continue reading Christmas in Savannah: Gifts of the Low Country

Paula Deen Writes the ‘Good Book’ of Southern Food

A Taste for Travel

Book Cover Paula Deen
Destination: Southern United States

Cooking Books: Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible and Paula Deen’s Kitchen Classics

Post By Brette Sember

One summer we rented a condo on Hilton Head for a week. It sounded perfect – wide beaches, warm water, and an island that caters to vacationers. Unfortunately there were jellyfish in the water, too many people in the pool, and nothing at all to do on the island if you don’t golf. This was a gift in disguise though because it meant we had lots of time to explore the surrounding area, especially Savannah and Charleston.

The result was I fell in love with the South. The tidal creeks, pluff mud, and Spanish moss were not only beautiful, but they had a deep, rich smell that gets in your bones. Continue reading Paula Deen Writes the ‘Good Book’ of Southern Food

Pat Conroy Novel Leads Writer South

Destination: Charleston, South Carolina

Book: South of Broad by Pat Conroy

A Guest Post by Brette Sember

I recently ravenously read Pat Conroy’s  South of Broad, which is set in Charleston, SC. Continue reading Pat Conroy Novel Leads Writer South