Tag Archives: Shawshank Redemption

How Shawshank Affected Mansfield

Please take a look at my post called “Shawshank Redemption–When Hollywood Comes to Town” at Reel Life With Jane.

Lots of pictures from my recent press trip to Mansfield and some info on how the arrival of a Hollywood production crew affects life in a central-Ohio town.

Then read below at A Traveler’s Library to see my review of the movie.

Have you ever lived in a town where a movie was made? What was it like?

Visit the Movie: Shawshank Redemption

Shawshank Movie
Destination: Mansfield, Ohio

Movie: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

When I hear the term “movie magic,” rather than think of the technology– shadows move around so that we think they are real–I think of the magic as an unknowable X factor that appears for the fortunate few movies. Casablanca had it.  Recently  The King’s Speech had it. And The Shawshank Redemption definitely captured some movie-magic-fairy-dust that made it rise above the mundane possibilities of a Prison Movie, or a Buddy Movie to become a movie that inspires lasting adoration in its viewers. Continue reading Visit the Movie: Shawshank Redemption

Why-o Ohio?

When I posted on Facebook that I was going to Mansfield, Ohio, and asked people what the number one thing to see in Mansfield would be–I got no replies.  Well, I got one, but it was about Massilon, not Mansfield.

High time to drag Mansfield out of that slough of anonymity. Because there ARE reasons to visit Mansfield Ohio–several. Many of these reasons are inspired by books and movies–right down our alley here at A Traveler’s Library. Continue reading Why-o Ohio?