Tag Archives: travel classic

SPAIN WEEK: Living With the Fishermen


After two reviews of mystery thrillers set in Spain, I thought you might appreciate a quieter look at a little fishing village by a classic travel writer.

Mª Agustina
Boat on the Costa Brava

Book: Voices of the Old Sea (1984/review of 2006 edition) by Norman Lewis Continue reading SPAIN WEEK: Living With the Fishermen

Good Old Travel Literature Revisited


Place: Calabria, Italy

Book: Old Calabria by Norman Douglas (NEW Reissued–2010)

I love to time travel with writers from the 19th or early 20th centuries and even earlier.  I enjoy seeing a place and its people brought to life in an era before antennas sprouted on top of every mud hut and CNN images reached everywhere.  Continue reading Good Old Travel Literature Revisited