Tag Archives: Vatican

What I Learned About Italy

Coliseum, Rome
Ken in Rome

Has it been five years since we were in Italy? Unbelievable! But Italy stays with you once you have traveled there.

Here’s another of my round-up posts and good books about Italy (read: she’s traveling and not blogging every day). Continue reading What I Learned About Italy

Italy mysteries on PBS July

Another TV hit for travelers–this time ITALY is the destination.

St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
St. Peter's Basilica, Rome

I have Longitude books to thank for this discovery, and you can browse the whole collection of these mysteries at their site. If you don’t already get their newsletter, I highly recommend it for outstanding travel books.

Aurelio Zen mysteries by Michael Dibdin  air on PBS, Sunday evenings July 17-31. Continue reading Italy mysteries on PBS July

Michelangelo Faces Death

The Last Judgment

Destination: Rome, Italy

Book: The Last Judgment: Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance by James A. Connor (NEW Paperback Edition August, 2010 from Palgrave MacMillan)

Like Michelangelo and The Pope’s Ceiling by Ross King, this book concentrates on one major work of the maestro. Unlike King’s book, The Last Judgment by James A. (Jim) Connor delves more deeply into the religious philosophy of Michelangelo and his time than into the personal life of the painter. Continue reading Michelangelo Faces Death